Exploring SeaBalance, a new natural cold process emulsifier

seabalance by carbonwave seaweed based natural emulsifier

SeaBalance 2000 from CarbonWave is a new COSMOS approved, natural, cold-process emulsifier derived from sargassum seaweed. (INCI name: Sargassum Fluitans/Natans Extract (and) Xanthan Gum (and) Pentylene Glycol).  

Above is our second lab video and the video at the end of this post is of our first trial, shot in July 2022, just before SeaBalance won the In-Cosmetics Korea Innovation Zone Best Functional Ingredient Award.   

Comparing SeaBalance to the other natural cold process emulsifiers we have tried, we found, in general, emulsions creating with SeaBalance were more stable, provided a high level of vegetable oils were included as well as longer shear times.  

As always with emulsions, especially cold process, it is preferable to add stabilizers.  For general information on how to create more stable emulsions click here.

How to Formulate with SeaBalance

  1. Usage rate: 4-6%
  2. SeaBalance is more effective with higher oil concentrations
  3. It is preferable to use vegetable oils instead of non-polar oils
  4. Add a minimum of 0.3% polymer or gum, such as xanthan gum to help stabilize the emulsion
  5. Add SeaBalance to the water phase and mix well before pouring the oil phase to the water phase
  6. Homogenize under high shear until the emulsion is homogenous 


  1. Small amounts (DIY/homecrafters) in Europe: Plena Natura Europe
  2. Small amounts (DIY/homecrafters) in USA/rest of World: Simply Ingredients USA/rest of World
  3. Spain/Portugal/UK: Grolman
  4. UK: Aston Chemicals
  5. India: DK Speciality Ingredients
  6. South East Asia: Chemico
  7. Italy/Greece: Bregaglio 
  8. DACH/Poland/The Baltics: Biesterfeld 
  9. Korea: Intercare 


6 responses to “Exploring SeaBalance, a new natural cold process emulsifier”

  1. Jennifer Andrews Avatar
    Jennifer Andrews

    As part of our company expansion, Born Naked – is very interested in a sample of your SeaBalance. We are working to create all new products and textures and would love to work with your company. If possible, please send us a sample ASAP. Our grand opening is fast approaching. Thank you so much!

    1. Making Skincare Avatar

      Hi Jennifer, we don’t sell ingredients. Please contact the suppliers listed in the blog post.

  2. Sherry Avatar


    How can you make this cream more viscous/luxurious if using sea balance without the need of emulsifying waxes?
    Will adding more xanthan gum make it gel-like?

    1. Making Skincare Avatar

      Hi Sherry, the usual gums/polymers will make it more viscous and “gel-like”. To make it more creamy/buttery (if that is what you mean by “luxurious”), you can add butters and even fatty alcohols but obviously then you’ll need to use heat. Fatty alcohols will also increase viscosity greatly.

  3. Mick Day Avatar

    Is your pentylene glycol natural or laboratory synthesised?

    1. Making Skincare Avatar

      Do ask the makers of SeaBalance.

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