Learn how to formulate Our scientist below gives you the tools and knowledge to formulate professionally

Free online course – We collaborated with Chemists Corner and Swiftcraftymonkey to bring you a free online certificated formulation courseClick to access

Vital formulation information – click the heading below

Did you know, despite what the supplier says, very few natural preservatives actually work.   Learn which natural emulsifiers are effective, how much to use and how to pair them up.  As stabilisers are vital for any emulsion, we teach you which ones to use.   Do you know how to scientifically access whether an active truly works?  


Very few natural preservatives actually work, despite what the supplier says. Click the heading above to learn which natural preservatives are effective, how to pair them up and pass preservative tests

Lotion & Cream Tutorial

Most lotion formulas are unsafe, Click the heading above to learn how to make emulsions properly and safely

How to make an emulsion stable

Click the heading above learn how much emulsifier to use, which natural emulsifiers are effective, how to pair them up and why stabilisers are vital

How to formulate like a pro

Click the heading above to learn how to formulate professionally – how to know which actives really work, how to make improve your lotion, which resources to use, which natural preservatives actually work.

Ingredient Suppliers

Click the heading above to access our worldwide ingredient supplier list

Lotion & Cream Calculator

Click the heading above to access our formulation calculator for different skin types including ingredient costs

Surfactant calculator

Most surfactants are diluted so working out how much to use can be challenging, even for formulators who are great at math. Click the heading above to access our calculator which does all the work for you.

% to Weight & Costs Calculator

Click the heading above to access our formulation calculator which converts % to weight and also calculates ingredient costs

Free online course

Click the heading above to access our free online course. We collaborated with Chemists Corner and Swiftcraftymonkey to bring you this formulation course. Work through the units at your own pace and receive a certificate.

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We are passionate about teaching how to formulate in a professional, safe way.